With an emphasis on cost optimization

In a recent project, Buzzcloud was given the confidence to improve the AWS infrastructure of one of the largest car manufacturers – on a global scale. In the project, there has been a strong emphasis on cost optimization, in particular when it comes to onboarding and upscaling. We also helped the customer pinpoint a number of sub-optimal configurations which lead to unnecessary costs in the long run. By upgrading and restructuring the AWS infrastructure, the customer got rid of pains and legacy and ended up with a much more cost-efficient solution.

“It’s been a pleasure to contribute to this project. This is a company with an already migrated infrastructure in many ways – which is why time is spent mainly on fine-tuning and helping the customer take it to the next level. Something that’s rewarding both for the customers and for us as AWS experts.” says Siu-Hoo Pang, Senior AWS Solutions Architect at Buzzcloud.

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