Vi är experter på att vägleda och hjälpa våra kunder genom arkitektur och design av innovativa molntjänster. Här delar vi med oss av vår kunskap så att du får inspiration och tips för att ta din AWS-miljö till nästa nivå!
Johan Ribbeklint är ny VD för Buzzcloud
Johan Ribbeklint har utsetts till VD för Buzzcloud, med tillträde i september 2024. Buzzcloud är en del av Co-native, en
Creating a Smarter Everyday Home with modern cloud solutions
A perfect example of how modern cloud solutions can be designed to be both powerful and economical. Our AWS architect
Is Your AWS Infrastructure Secure Enough?
In today’s digital landscape, where data breaches and cyber threats loom large, ensuring the security of your cloud infrastructure is paramount.
Unveiling the power of AWS Graviton4
During re:Invent 2023, Amazon introduced the game-changing Graviton4. Besides improving computing performance, Graviton4 reduces energy use, making a step toward
Top 3 Announcements from AWS re:Invent 2023
Top 3 Announcements from AWS re:Invent 2023 I once again had the privilege to travel to AWS re:Invent, the annual
Buzzcloud joins Co-native, the Nordic cloud specialist group
In an exciting development for Buzzcloud, we are thrilled to announce our joining of Co-native, the new Nordic cloud specialist group.
How to Save Costs with AWS: Tips and Tricks
In this article, we will provide tips and tricks for AWS cost optimization, management, and efficiency, including the use of
Building Strong Connections: Buzzcloud’s First Trip to Åre
Åre 2023 At Buzzcloud, we take team building seriously, which is why we recently embarked on our first trip to
Improving Mynt’s AWS Infrastructure
Background Mynt is a financial solutions company that provides credit cards directly linked to accounting software among other services. Their
Veel create simulation tool with AWS
Background Veel is a venture initiative that provides circular and autonomous energy storage solutions, allowing their customers to achieve significant cost
Lunch meet up: Life at Buzzcloud
Do you have lunch plans? We are hosting a joined lunch for all fellow innovators out there. The lunch will
Lunch möte: Life at Buzzcloud
Har du lunchplaner? Vi bjuder in till en gemensam lunch med alla innovatörer därute. Lunchen kommer hållas vid två olika