Welcome to the team Kristofer Markkanen

Welcome to the team Kristofer Markkanen! We are happy to have you and look forward to accomplish great things together. We got the chance to ask four quick questions to Kristofer so that you get the chance to be introduced.

Tell us about your background
I come from a background within operations so is hoping to be able to assist companies of all industries to maintain and improve their cloud system – as well as help them build new ones from scratch.

How did you get in contact with Buzzcloud?
I have worked together with several members of the team at Buzzcloud before and got the opportunity to join thanks to networking and meetups at different AWS events.

What’s the best part about working at Buzzcloud?
It’s a fantastic group of colleagues to work with, both since we have fun together as friends and because they are all true experts at what they do. It’s a learning opportunity just to participate in an everyday discussion about a current project.

What’s your assignments ahead?
I’m currently working at a project at Internetstiftelsen where we are making general improvements and migrating their architecture to the AWS Stockholm Region. Lots of fun!

Interesting in knowing what we can do for your company? Contact us or fill out the form and we’ll get back to you shortly.

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