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Ready, set, AI!

Get started with generative AI on AWS

Your personal AI chatbot

We will give you a tailormade Copilot, a AI chatbot that you can ask questions to directly in Slack or Teams about your specific business, policies, procedures, documentation and so on. We’ve designed our implementation process to get you AI-ready quickly and securely. Our approach focuses on speed and safety, ensuring a smooth integration of your AI solution.

Our Copilot is built on five cornerstones: Your data, vector database, the individual end user, bedrock and slack or Teams.

We will customize the chatbot after your needs and challenges with our three-step methodology:

Step 1: Explore

We will host an interactive workshop with a live pilot app in Slack or Teams. The goal is to give you a clear understanding of the possibilities and capabilities with generative AI for your organization.

Step 2: Prototype

Building on the insights from step 1, we will create a prototype solution that you can showcase withing your organization.

Step 3: Integrate & Scaling

We will launch and scale you ready to use product with an editorial feedback loop to ensure continued improvement in accuracy and data access.

Book a first meeting

Discover the potential of generative AI for your organization with Amazon Bedrock! Book a first meeting to kickstart your generative AI journey with Buzzcloud. In addition to gaining a thorough understanding of the possibilities and capabilities of generative AI for your organization, you’ll receive continuous guidance from our AI engineers each week. Our offering also includes a comprehensive roadmap, backlog, and a refined specification, all prepared for a production-ready solution.

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