Internetstiftelsen goes cloud – an AWS success story

Buzzcloud have been working on a really exciting project designing an AWS solution for Internetstiftelsen as a part of their infrastructure. Internetstiftelsen is responsible for maintaining a secure internet infrastructure in Sweden, including operating the top domains .se and .nu, which requires not only a thorough GDPR compliance but also an overall solid legal framework, to be taken into consideration during the project.

The internet is growing by the second, which becomes clear not the least for an organization like Internetstiftelsen who have full insight in the overall health of the Internet in Sweden. The services which they provide need to be reliable, trustworthy and able to adapt in a fast paced environment. These circumstances have set the framework for how we have worked on the cloud architecture, designing a solution with high availability, security and scalability.

We have built a solution across three availability zones and failover to a standby environment in a different AWS region. Our team from Buzzcloud has led the project, working with a crew of 30+ DevOps engineers from Internetstiftelsen and together we have accomplished significant improvements such as shorter release cycles, a reliable continuous delivery and improved security, to name a few. So, what’s a short release cycle? In this case, release time is down from three months to hours, meaning the time from code ready to code in production. Not only does this improve productivity and effectiveness but it also allows the innovation power to thrive. And that’s Buzzcloud’s aim, right there.

Torbjörn Carlsson, COO at Internetstiftelsen, comments the following about the project:

“The project was initiated to deploy the next generation of the Domain business application. A scope which includes both a new infrastructure and a new application. However, the scope of this successful project also included changes in our way of working. Nowadays, we work more integrated between operations and development and we have significantly shorten the time to deploy code through continuous integration and development.”

Buzzcloud look forward to continuing the cooperation with Internetstiftelsen, creating solutions that generates a more innovative Internet for all.

About Internetstiftelsen

Internetstiftelsen,, is a non-profit foundation responsible for operation and maintaining a secure Internet infrastructure in Sweden including the .se and .nu domains.

Find out how we can create an AWS solution as your company needs it. Contact us at
+46 8 23 45 00 or send an email to

Torbjörn Carlsson och Staffan Ljung

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