The journey of digital transformation has been embarked upon by many companies in Sweden for several years. Yet there are still companies that have either fallen behind on digital transformation altogether, or who are digitized — but lack a strategic viewpoint on digital transformation required in the long run. And the difference between companies that are digitally mature and the ones who aren’t have been particularly clear over the last months.
The year of 2020 has been trying for several obvious reasons, but mainly the global pandemic. With an unprecedented widespread of remote work, we have been able to sort out the companies that have maintained a successful digital transformation up until now with sufficient digital hygiene factors met — from the ones who haven’t. The share of employees working from home is up by 800 % within several Nordic enterprises, conditions which are very demanding for your company’s digital solutions. It requires solid security, cost-efficiency and most importantly: scalability.
As digital maturity matters more than ever before, the inclusion of digital initiatives on a strategic level follows the same pattern. Luckily, that is too the development observed and predicted in most industries. In fact, IDC’s analysts forecast that 2020 will be a year of digital determination, with the graphs tipping over so that a majority of companies have a high maturity when it comes to digital transformation.
So, do you have the feeling there is potential to optimize your digital environment even further? Then, AWS cloud solutions might be just what you need. With an intelligent cloud architecture, you can not only ensure, but also leverage from having a digital maturity. Whether you’re just beginning, maintaining or aiming to innovate from your digital transformation, Buzzcloud can tailor solutions according to your company’s specific needs. We deploy intelligent AWS solutions that will put you in the leading positions within your market, while still allowing you to scale up or down as your needs vary. Get in touch with us today to learn more about our solutions.
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