Buzzcloud goes to re:Invent

Starting November 26st, Amazon Web Services annual gathering re:Invent will take place in Las Vegas, Nevada. At re:Invent, AWS partners and customers are brought together for networking, engagement and to learn more about their products and services at the largest gathering of the global cloud computing community. It’s a one week event and the agenda is filled with thrilling activities, lectures, workshops, keynote speakers and much more.
The Buzzcloud team are very excited to attend. This way, the whole Buzzcloud crew can remain highly revised with AWS services and also gain brand new expertise about recent launches. At Buzzcloud, we take employee self-development and well-being into high consideration. We are also eager to constantly remain a highly experienced team at our customers service, no matter how recent AWS services that are being deployed. Therefore, we’re looking forward to a both instructive and pleasant week.
If you are attending yourself, we hope to see you there!


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