AWS ClearStart – a major investment in secure cloud services for the public sector in Sweden

Integrity, security and safety are keywords when it comes to data management for any organization. But these concepts are particularly central when it comes to organizations within the public sector. In those cases, data management often involves large portions of personal data of sensitive nature, which consequently creates strict requirements for how data is handled digitally.

For a long time, the public sector has had limited ability to utilize the innovation power that comes from managing data with a modern and flexible cloud solution. This has mainly been due to US legislation — and also a concern about sensitive data leaving Swedish soil and being hypothetically accessible by third parties.

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At Buzzcloud, we welcome the fact that AWS now chooses to make a major investment aimed to remedy that concern once and for all by making public cloud services accessible in a secure way – even to the public sector. Sweden will be the first country where such a program is introduced and it includes both sophisticated encryption and data storage completely within Sweden’s borders.

“Sweden strives to be world-leading when it comes to utilizing digitization. AWS ClearStart is an important milestone for enabling the public sector to be included in the digital transformation that is already underway in more or less all industries in the private sector in Sweden today. I’m very positive about being able to help even more organizations on their journey to the cloud.” says Håkan Björklund, Chairman of the Board of Buzzcloud.

As of now, the program is available for immediate start in Sweden and you can read more about it here. Are you interested in finding out what Buzzcloud can do for your company’s use or optimization of innovative cloud services? Contact us today!

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